
Hello Today with Tripp and Tyler

Tripp and Tyler discuss two important topics each week.
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Hello Today with Tripp and Tyler

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Now displaying: October, 2015
Oct 30, 2015

In this episode, Tripp and Tyler talk about Tripp's absurd commute, Tyler's Michael Cera encounter and many, many other things.

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Links to things we mentioned

Photoshoot with Michael Cera (here's the 2-second video if you care)

Tripp’s photo of the test drive (coming soon)

TV Recommendations:
Project Greenlight

Article about world getting better (coming soon)

Jeff Daniels at a coffee shop (coming soon)

Still frame of Tyler slapping Dave Ramsey’s back (coming soon)

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Got any good stories and/or photos of a celebrity encounter? Let us know in the Quadruple Diamond Club.

Oct 23, 2015

In this episode, Tripp and Tyler talk about something they do with their friends each week called the Weekly Hassle and also ask some questions about politics that may or may not reveal their ignorance.

Links to things we mentioned

Demetri Martin

Tripp's Phone Case

Tripp's Model Car (coming soon)

Video: How to Solve a Rubik's Cube

Video: Does the President Really Matter (via Freakonomics)

The West Wing

Quadruple Diamond Club

Want new episodes of Hello Today with Tripp and Tyler sent directly to your device as soon as they become available? Just subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher.

Also, if you enjoyed the podcast, would you consider leaving a review?

Oct 14, 2015

In this episode, Tripp and Tyler talk to Scott Harrison backstage at the Catalyst conference. They talk about Charity: Water, limericks, parenting, and the potential of a 10-hour video.

Links to things we mentioned

Quadruple Diamond Club

Hello Today Charity: Water Campaign

Do your own campaign as part of our Hello Today Campaign HERE

Tyler's award-winning limerick:
There once was a man named Shaquille,
Who had the last name of O'Neal,
None of his jams,
Were just ordinary slams,
Each of them were quite unreal.

Want new episodes of Hello Today with Tripp and Tyler sent directly to your device as soon as they become available? Just subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher.

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Oct 5, 2015

In this episode, Tripp and Tyler discuss auto-related inconveniences and pose a question about supernatural occurrences. Let us know what you think in the comments!

Links to things we mentioned

Documentary: An Honest Liar

Penn & Teller Fool Us

Our new video: NoPro - Regular People Stunts (coming tomorrow)

Quadruple Diamond Club

Want new episodes of Hello Today with Tripp and Tyler sent directly to your device as soon as they become available? Just subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher.

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And come join the discussion over on our site!